Suggestive tipping via paper receipts/guest check and or CC Voucher
Jon Etxeberri
Attached is a receipt of a Toast that Focus is working on copying and making better in my opinion where you can make a simple check box to select your tip amount at a receipt level, much like selecting a digital tip on a rear display. The benefit of this is that a customer might second guess the physical amount that is being tipped when they have to put in the amount that is being given away as giving money away is a pain point, so the easier you can make it the more the tips will go up, which is something that drives a restaurant. Suggestive tipping definitely increases tips as the customer doesn't need to think about how much they are giving past pressing a button that is tide to a percentage/dollar amount.
Focus is copying the this but also adding a name to the tip, so 10% is good, 15 is great, and 20 is amazing as an example, the name fields will be string fields that you can manually fill in with whatever you want, allowing the business to put whatever they want.
Jon Etxeberri
Here's the end product